Mother Tongue Education Program - Digo

Mepil stands for (Mother tongue education program for indegenous languages). 

Mother Tongue Education refers to provision of education using mother tongue as the language of instruction.

The program focuses on developing primary schools education program in kenya in the local languages from grade 1 to 3 and specifically the Digo, Orma and Pokomo in Kwale and Tana River Counties..

Project Objectives

  • To bring parity in the education levels of children in Kwale and Tana River counties with other children in the country.
  • Allowing the children to learn in a language they understand best.

Why mother tongue?

  • It ensures learning takes place from the known to the unknown.
  • It encourages active participation of learners in the learning process.
  • It leads to better understanding of concepts in a familiar language.
  • It leads to better results in exams and improves retention of learners in school.

The project has two phases with both covering 3 years each. The first phase began in 2015 and ended in 2017 and it mainly focussed on producing material for digo language grades 1-3. 

All materials produced are submitted to kenya institute of curriculum development for assessment and approval. 

For more information on the program kindly view or download the program bronchure which is appended to the downloads section.

A major milestone! 

We now have language books for grades 1-3 out and ready for use in schools.

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